Team member

Alison Tavaré

Primary Care Clinical Lead West of England AHSN

Alison is a GP by profession and Primary Care clinical lead at the West of England Academic Health Science Network. Her role at the WEAHSN was initially to support the prompt identification and management of the deteriorating patient and the use of NEWS (National Early Warning Score) as a common language between primary care, out of hours, the ambulance service, and the acute trusts. This interest has expanded into work with families and carers and particularly the use of videos to share information on how to raise concerns when someone they are looking after is unwell. As the ASK SNIFF team also use videos to support learning, Alison was very pleased to be invited to join them in 2017 as a GP advisor. Although the scope of the ASK SNIFF research has broadened there remains a very practical part of the work and Alison is one of the clinicians currently working with parents and carers to co-create further video resources.   Alongside this, Alison is the co-lead of the West of England Learning Disability Collaborative. The WELDC is a network of clinicians, carers, families and experts by experience who are working together with academics and policy makers to improve outcomes for people of all ages who have a learning disability. Alison is also a clinical co-ordinator with NCEPOD and one of the studies on which she is working is looking at the transition of young people with long term health conditions from childrens to adults’ services. Since the advent of COVID-19 she has also become a regional lead for NHS@Home.